Friday, January 1, 2010

Starting Fresh

So it's a new year and I've decided it's time to renew my commitment to myself, my search and this blog.  I can easily sit here and list the things I'd meant to do this past month - the cards I'd meant to get out, the blogs I meant to write, the calls I'd meant to make.  OR I can get those cards out before the holiday is truly over, make a list of the calls I'm going to make on Monday and get back to writing and sharing via this blog. 

This is truly the first day of the next decade of my life and I'm choosing to start it out with hope and high energy.  I find when I am hopeful and take action, I feel better about myself, which inevitably leads to more hope and more action. 

I need to comment on the word choosing.  It is just too easy to slip into hopelessness because 'the market is tight' or 'I'm too old' or any of the other things we can tell ourselves that allow us to avoid fully engaging in our search and in ourselves.  We all have choices to make.  I'm not playing Pollyanna here.  I acknowledge that we don't have control over everything around us.  I know there are some things working against me as I move through the transition from consulting into full time work.  Acknowledging some of these roadblocks is important to developing my search strategy.  I am also shouting that we do have control over more than we acknowledge and it's in taking action that we find strength, renewal and hope.

So I am choosing to climb back up onto this job search bronco and give it my best.  I've made a list of the people I want to call on Monday and I actually have an interview to prepare for on Tuesday (that's a story for another post). 

Just writing again makes me feel more in control of my life.  So here's to shifting intentions into actions! 

I wish you all a happy new year filled with renewal, strength, joy and new adventures!

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