Friday, June 4, 2010

The Journey's End?

While we are taught that careers should be predictive, for most of us they are post descriptive.  I can look back and see the linkages and common themes that tie the chapters of my career together, but there's no way I could have known about all of the steps in my journey when I first started working 35 years ago.  I've worked in the non-profit sector, in financial services, the outplacement industry and as a consultant in numerous companies and fields.  I've worked full-time, part-time and flex-time.  My graduate degree was supposed to catapult me into a career as a high school guidance counselor, and ironically that's the one place I haven't worked. 

Now onto the next step.  I was offered and have accepted a part-time position as a career counselor at Pace University.  In many ways this is the perfect job for me.  I've been working to transition from career counseling in the corporate sector to using these skills and experiences in higher education.  This position offers me the opportunity to do just that.  I've been looking for a team to join and a place to put down roots.  This position will allow me to do that.  And, the icing on the cake is that working  part-time nature will allow me to continue to work as a human resource consultant. 

How did this all come together?  What was the key to making this happen?  Networking!

I have met a lot of people while networking for this position and the key now is to nuture this new network.

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