Friday, September 30, 2011

Keeping Control When Using the Phone

When communicating via phone, don't leave a message on your first, second or even third attempt to reach your party.  Try a minimum of three times to get a person on the line before you leave a message.  This way you can still call back rather than getting caught up in the waiting game and you keep some semblance of control in a process that often feels pretty one sided. 

If you don't catch someone during regular work hours, try before 9 or after 5 and be prepared for the person to answer.  I've often dialed fully expecting the answering machine stumbling when a real live person answers the phone.

If you try three times and still can't get through the voicemail response, leave a carefully crafted, short message.  Write it out before you call so you are focused and don't ramble.

I know all of this and yet when I made a call recently I went into message mode the minute I heard that voicemail beep.  It was like Pavlov and his dogs. 

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