Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Networking Groups

A few weeks ago a client expressed frustration with her job search.  She'd been trying to network but felt as if she was getting nowhere fast.  She was going away for a few days, taking a break from her search, and coming back to renew her networking efforts. When I spoke to her a week later I couldn't believe the difference in her attitude and spirits.  She seemed on top of the world.  She'd gone to two local networking groups.  One group was very well attended, the other was not, yet in both cases she made new contacts and uncovered information that helped forward her job search.

Local networking groups are popping up all over the place.  To find one in your area, Google networking groups in your city, town or county.  I was amazed at the list that appeared when I tried it.  Try it yourself.  Put yourself out there and attend a few network groups.  If one isn't right for you, keep trying until you find a group to work with.  You can get information, leads and support in these groups.  You'll also be able to share your insight and contacts with others.  In fact, my client ended up giving me some network contacts from the group she attended!

Another important aspect of a networking group is that everyone there 'gets it'.  Sometimes when networking, it feels like people just don't get it.  They'll tell me that the best way to find a job in this market is through network connections, and then they tell me they don't know anyone to refer me to.  People who attend network groups understand the process.  They know what it feels like to be out there and they also know how great it feels when someone passes along some helpful information.  So, go hang out with others who understand your situation and are willing to offer advice and support.  Staying active is critical to riding the job search roller coaster and network groups are one way to keep your search moving forward.

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