Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Who's In Control Anyway?

Control is a big issue in job search.  For those of us who have chartered our course through most of our careers or those coming out of school with the belief that their training would land them a job, finding ourselves without a job can make us feel very out of control.  So a true story...

Several years ago I led some 'Managing Change' workshops for a company that was going through their third or fourth merger.  I was working with those whose positions were to be eliminated.  Needless to say, there were a lot of unhappy people.  One couple in particular comes to mind.  They had both worked for the company for over 25 years.  They'd met there, gotten married and expected to remain with the company until they were ready to retire.  They had actually already mapped out some of the trips they were planning to take once they retired.  Then the merger hit and the axe fell.  This couple, along with most of their colleagues, walked into the workshop very caught up in the 'they' - what 'they' did to me.  This is understandable when someone first confronts a lay off or a sinking economy, but holding onto the 'they' can also serve as a major roadblock in one's search.  So we worked through some exercises and then came to one that really turned things around. 

I drew a line down the middle of a flip chart and wrote 'What's Out of My Control' at the top of one column and "What's in My Control' at the top of the other.  And we started to fill in the lists.  Here's what they looked like

What’s Out of My Control?                   
*the decision to eliminate my job             
*the economy                                            
*the job market   

What's In My Control?   
*my reaction to job loss
*my resume
*the decision to jump into my search 
   or take some time off                                   
*whether to do what I've always 
   done or try something new
*whether to relocate
*how I use my network
*how I spend my time
*my attitude

The number of items in the 'what's in my control' list increased the longer the group explored the question.  The items that resonated most with the group were reaction to job loss and attitude.  I was amazed at what a difference it made to all of the participants when they realized how much control and power they still had.  The couple who had walked in so dejected, walked out smiling as they realized that most of the choices about the road ahead were still in their hands.

There is no doubt that there are some big ticket items that are not in our control right now...not the least of which are the current job market and the economy.  AND, there is no doubt that our attitude and how we approach tough times make a big difference in the success of a job search. So keep plugging.  The theory that every NO brings you one step closer to your YES is more true now than ever.  Put yourself out there.  Deal with the NOs and keep looking until you hear those magic words - we'd love to have you join our staff.  Keep the faith. Keep a positive attitude and it will happen.

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