Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Stay Ahead of the Game

It's easy to slip behind when you're out 'pounding the pavement' looking for a job.  When you're on the downhill side of the roller coaster you might not feel like checking those web sites or making that call to try to set up yet another 'informational' interview.  You want a real interview.

OK.  So I'm writing as if I'm not talking about myself, which is not the truth.  Here's the story...

In December I was given the name of a contact at a major university.  There was no open job on their web site that interested me or that I had the credentials for.  And it was the holidays, and I wasn't in the mood, and I wasn't following my own advice.  So I kept that contact info on my 'to do' list where it sat until two weeks ago.

What happened two weeks ago?  I found the PERFECT job on the university's website. 

I immediately filled in an on-line application, but the advantage of being able to pick up the phone to a network contact I had already met with and could count on as an 'inside' acquaintance was lost.  Now I have to play catch up.  Instead of getting in there ahead of the game so I'd be known before they had an opening, I'm scrambling to get my foot in the door now.  It puts so much more pressure on the situation in that every day that passes until I get that network meeting scheduled is another day that someone else might be getting my job!  

The goal of networking is to get in front of people and the easiest time to do that is when there is no published opening.  It takes the pressure off both parties.  You can go in to ask questions, sell yourself for the future and hopefully uncover one of those positions in the 'hidden job market'.  They can simply sit back and give advice, offer up suggestions about others you might want to talk to and, if you're lucky, reveal a lead about a real job!

So whether you are on a downward slide or soaring to the top of that roller coaster, the truth is you have to be diligent and just keep at it.  I am taking yet another oath to work on this everyday.  I know there's a great position out there for me, and the only way they'll find me is if I find them first.

I'll keep you posted on my progress. 

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